Thursday, March 29, 2012

Today met Martin Ngim, one of my favorite's such a privilege to have one on one session with him today. His whole idea on drumming is far beyond anyone could imagine! at least for me....he's not so into technical aspect of drumming......he's more into groove! He explain how groove is so important for a drummer. He said we are liken to a support beam in a building. As we continue to build higher, we need a strong support beam to prevent collapse. So beside keeping time in a band, we are like the life force for a band. He's seen me and heard my strokes and immediately he said am too fancy and not mature enough as a drummer. Was told to play 2/4 beat, i end up making it fancy. He said just land a solid beat that's it! He said i need to reprogram my knowledge again and go back to basic!

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